What Vaccinations Do You Need for Bali?

Bali, the "Island of the Gods," is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious food. But before you pack your bags and hop on a plane, it’s important to consider your health and get the recommended vaccinations.

There are no mandatory vaccinations required for entry into Bali for most travelers. However, to ensure a safe and healthy trip, there are several vaccinations you should strongly consider getting, depending on your individual situation.

Here’s a breakdown of the key vaccinations to discuss with your doctor before your Balinese adventure:

  • Routine Vaccinations: Make sure you’re up-to-date on routine vaccinations like measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap), and polio. These vaccinations protect against common diseases that can occur anywhere, including Bali.

  • Recommended Vaccinations:

    • Hepatitis A: This is a liver infection caused by contaminated food or water. Vaccination is highly recommended for all travelers to Bali.
    • Typhoid: Another vaccine-preventable illness spread through contaminated food or water. Consider this vaccination, especially if you plan on venturing outside of tourist areas.
    • Rabies: Rabies is a deadly viral infection transmitted through animal bites. While the risk in Bali is generally low, vaccination is recommended for those planning extended stays or participating in outdoor activities that may increase exposure to animals.
  • Selective Vaccinations:

    • Hepatitis B: This vaccination protects against a liver infection spread through bodily fluids. Consider this if you plan on getting tattoos or piercings, receiving medical care, or having close contact with locals.
    • Japanese Encephalitis: This mosquito-borne disease can cause severe brain inflammation. Vaccination may be recommended for extended stays in rural areas or for travelers planning outdoor activities during mosquito season.
    • Yellow Fever: Only required if you’re traveling to Bali from a country with a risk of yellow fever transmission.


  • This information is for general guidance only and does not replace a consultation with a healthcare professional.
  • A travel medicine doctor can assess your individual needs and recommend the most suitable vaccinations for your trip to Bali.
  • Schedule your appointment well in advance of your travel date, as some vaccinations require a series of shots or boosters.

By getting the recommended vaccinations, you can help ensure a healthy and enjoyable vacation in beautiful Bali. Now that you have a better idea of what vaccinations to consider, you can focus on planning the exciting adventures that await you in the "Island of the Gods"!

Born under the tropical sun of Bali, Arya Jati’s veins flow with the island’s essence. His childhood was a symphony of crashing waves, temple incense, and rice terraces stretching to infinity. From the sacred forests of Ubud to the bustling streets of…

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