Nusa Penida to Bali by Boat, Your Guide to Island Hopping

Nusa Penida, a scenic island paradise just off the coast of Bali, is a must-visit for any traveler seeking stunning beaches, dramatic cliffs, and unique manta ray encounters. But how do you get from Bali to Nusa Penida? The answer lies across the turquoise waters: by boat!

There are two main types of boats travelling between Nusa Penida and Bali: ferries and fast boats. Here’s what you need to know about each:


  • Pros: Affordable option, spacious with room to move around.
  • Cons: Slower journey (typically 45 minutes to 1 hour) compared to fast boats.
  • Price: Expect to pay around $6 to $8 for a one-way ticket.
  • Departure points: Ferries depart from Sanur Harbor in Bali and arrive at various points in Nusa Penida, including Maruti Port and Banjar Nyuh Harbor.

Fast Boats:

  • Pros: Quicker travel time (around 30 minutes).
  • Cons: Can be more expensive than ferries and may feel less spacious, especially during peak season.
  • Price: Tickets typically range from $12 to $20 for a one-way trip.
  • Departure points: Fast boats depart from Sanur Beach in Bali and head to Nusa Penida’s Toyapakeh Port or Crystal Bay.

Booking Your Trip:

Several companies offer boat transfers between Nusa Penida and Bali. You can book your tickets online in advance or directly at the harbor on the day of travel (although booking ahead is recommended during peak season).

Additional Considerations:

  • Luggage: Most boats allow for a reasonable amount of luggage, but check with the operator beforehand if you have oversized bags.
  • Comfort: While ferries offer more space to move around, fast boats can get bumpy, so consider taking seasickness medication if you’re prone to nausea.
  • Time of Day: Departure times vary depending on the company, so factor this in when planning your trip.

With its beautiful beaches, exciting day trips, and relaxed atmosphere, Nusa Penida is an idyllic island escape. By planning your boat transfer from Bali in advance, you can set sail for an unforgettable adventure!

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