How to Avoid Getting Sick in Bali, Keep Your Paradise Paradise

Bali, the Land of the Gods, beckons travelers with its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. But amidst the paradise, there’s a potential foe: Bali Belly. This unpleasant stomach upset can put a damper on your trip. However, fear not! With a few precautions, you can significantly reduce your chances of getting sick.

Hydration is Key, But Stick to Bottled Water

Bali’s tap water may not be kind to your digestive system. Play it safe and stick to bottled water throughout your trip. Buy sealed bottles from reputable vendors and avoid anything resealable. This applies to brushing your teeth as well. Consider carrying a reusable water bottle to fill up with filtered or bottled water. Sparkling water is a refreshing option and less likely to harbor bacteria than still water. For hot drinks, request water that’s been boiled. Steer clear of ice cubes unless you’re confident they were made with bottled water.

Food Glorious Food: Freshly Cooked is Best

The sights and smells of Balinese cuisine are a highlight of the trip. However, be a bit selective about what you indulge in. Freshly cooked meals are your best bet. Steaming hot dishes straight off the grill or wok are less likely to harbor any nasties. Give street food a try, but choose stalls that have a good turnover and avoid dishes that have been sitting out for extended periods. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, stick to those that you can peel yourself. Salads and pre-cut fruit can be risky.

Wash Those Hands!

This age-old advice remains true for Bali. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before every meal, after using the restroom, and after being in public spaces. If soap and water aren’t readily available, pack a good hand sanitizer and use it liberally. Avoid touching your face throughout the day, especially with unwashed hands.

Bonus Tip: Be Kind to Your Gut

While enjoying Balinese delights, be mindful of your digestive system. Spicy or unfamiliar ingredients can take some getting used to. Introduce new foods gradually and avoid overindulging, especially in the first few days of your trip. Consider bringing probiotics with you, which can help maintain a healthy gut flora.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce your chances of getting sick in Bali. Remember, a little caution goes a long way in ensuring a happy and healthy vacation in paradise. Now go forth, explore, and savor the beauty (and deliciousness) that Bali has to offer!

Born under the tropical sun of Bali, Arya Jati’s veins flow with the island’s essence. His childhood was a symphony of crashing waves, temple incense, and rice terraces stretching to infinity. From the sacred forests of Ubud to the bustling streets of…

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