How Far is Bali From Ireland? Planning Your Dream Trip Across the Globe

Bali and Ireland seem like worlds apart, and in a way, they are. One is a tropical island paradise, the other a land of rolling green hills and dramatic coastlines. But for the adventurous traveler, the distance between these two gems can be bridged with a little planning.

So, how far exactly is Bali from Ireland? The answer, as with most travel distances, depends on how you measure it.

  • Straight line distance: Using a distance calculator, the shortest distance between Bali and Ireland is roughly 12,857 kilometers (7,996 miles).
  • Flight distance: Flights between Dublin and Denpasar (Bali’s capital) typically cover around 13,420 kilometers (8,340 miles). This is due to flight paths and layovers, which can add extra distance.

Travel time will also vary depending on your chosen route. Expect flights to take anywhere from 18 to 27 hours on average, with layovers in the Middle East or Asia being common.

Planning Your Trip:

The distance shouldn’t deter you from this incredible journey! Here are some tips for planning your trip from Ireland to Bali:

  • Shop around for flights: Look for deals and compare prices between airlines. Consider flying into a nearby Indonesian city and then catching a connecting flight to Bali.
  • Book in advance: Especially during peak season (summer in Europe, dry season in Bali), flights can fill up quickly.
  • Break up the journey: With such a long travel time, consider adding a stopover in another destination on the way. This can help you break up the journey and avoid jet lag.

The Adventure Awaits:

Despite the distance, Bali is a dream destination for many Irish travelers. The cultural exchange, stunning scenery, and world-class hospitality make the long journey worthwhile. So, pack your bags, book your flights, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

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